Monthly Archives: August 2024

Raspberry ketones and Insulin-like Growth Factor (IGF)

Raspberry ketones are aromatic compounds present in the fruit of the red raspberry plant (Rubus idaeus), Raspberry ketones have a structure similar to that of capsaicin, a compound found in chillies. Pharmacological studies show that ingestion of raspberry ketones may … Continue reading

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Not All Bread Is Created Equally

Bread is not a single food, but a broad category of similarly processed cereal based foods. Most bread is made from wheat, but variations of bread can be made from barley and rye. This can have a nutritional impact because … Continue reading

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Tea and Weight Loss

Tea (Camellia sinensis) is known to have a number of health effects that include improvements to both mental and physical parameters. The effects of tea are attributed to a number of chemicals it contains including polyphenolic antioxidants, caffeine and the … Continue reading

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Melon Seeds: Nutrition

Melons belong to the Cucurbitaceae family of plants, and this family includes cucumbers. Melon is a good source of essential nutrients, although the flesh of the fruit has a very high water content so the density of the nutrients are … Continue reading

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L-Theanine for Attention deficit hyperactivity Disorder 

L-theanine is an amino acid found in tea. Evidence suggests that it can partially activate the N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) glutamate receptor in humans and animals and that this causes a reduction in excitation in the brain along with a concomitant increase … Continue reading

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L-theanine is a non-proteinaceous amino acid that has interesting nutritional properties. One of the most interesting things about L-theanine is that it is only found in tea. The chemical name for L-theanine is γ-ethylamino-L-glutamic, and this gives a clue as … Continue reading

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Brewer’s Yeast Extracts as Nutritional Supplements

Brewer’s yeast is a nutritional product that fills the gap between foods and supplements. Technically, Brewer’s yeast is a food as it is a by-product of the brewing industry and can be used as a food ingredient. However, it is … Continue reading

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Dark Chocolate

Dark chocolate is distinguished from milk chocolate by the higher cocoa content in combination with its lower sugar content. This means that dark chocolate is more bitter than milk chocolate, is considerably less sweet, and therefore is far less popular. … Continue reading

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Marmite is a yeast extract that is a by-product of the brewing industry. The ability to use the concentrated thrub from the brewing process to make marmite is attributed to the German scientist Justus Freiherr von Liebig. The thrub is … Continue reading

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How Does Niacin Treat Lipid Disorders?

Nicotinic acid has been shown to have beneficial effects on blood lipid levels. In this regard nicotinic acid can normalise raised levels of blood lipids and reduce cardiovascular disease risk, when taken at pharmacological levels above its normal vitamin requirement. … Continue reading

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