It is never a good idea to eat unhealthy foods. Cumulatively they can cause disease and lead to significant reductions in quality of life. However, there is a theory that that healthy food can protect from the damage inflicted by eating unhealthy foods. Many diseases, for example, are caused by essential nutrient deficiencies. Eating foods deficient in vitamins and minerals causes disease because the vitamins and minerals required for correct metabolism are not present in the diet. Therefore the foods are causing disease through their lack of nutritional content. But what if the vitamins and minerals are supplied by other foods or through supplementation? Does this protect from the detrimental effects of the nutrient poor foods?. Studies suggest the answer to this is largely, yes. Concomitantly consuming high and low quality foods can negate many of the detrimental effects of the low quality foods. Although this will not lead to optimal health, adding healthy foods to a poor quality diet can be beneficial at protecting from disease.
Eat Well, Stay Healthy, Protect Yourself