Alpha Lipoic Acid and Heavy Metals

Alpha lipoic acid is a short chain fatty acid that can act as an antioxidant in humans and animals. Alpha lipoic acid is synthesised in cells, but is also present in the diet and as supplements. The main biological form of lipoic acid is the “R” form of the molecule, and supplements often contain a mixture of both “L” and “R” forms. Alpha lipoic acid contains sulphur in its structure and the dihydro form of the molecule contains two sulfhydryl (thiol) groups. These thiol groups are able to bind transition metals and this process may be useful in helping eliminate heavy metals from the body. Metals known to form complexes directly with alpha lipoic acid and dihydro alpha lipoic acid include manganese, zinc, cadmium, lead, cobalt, nickel, iron, copper, cadmium, arsenic, and mercury. The antioxidant properties of alpha lipoic acid may also protect cells and tissues from the free radicals generated by heavy metals. Alpha lipoic acid and dihydro alpha lipoic acid may therefore be important in protecting from heavy metal toxicity. 

Eat Well, Stay Healthy, Protect Yourself


El Barky, A. R., Hussein, S. A. and Mohamed, T. M. 2017. The Potent Antioxidant Alpha Lipoic Acid. Journal of Plant Chemistry and Ecophysiology. 2(1): 1016

About Robert Barrington

Robert Barrington is a writer, nutritionist, lecturer and philosopher.
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