Supplemental amino acids are available as either isolated amino acids or as amino acid mixtures. There are some advantages to taking amino acids in supplemental form, but the usefulness will often depend on individual circumstances. Firstly, mixtures of amino acids are not really purposeful as a supplement as these mixtures are in effect no different to eating protein (which is in itself a mixture of amino acids). The price of mixtures of amino acids (compared to protein foods), and the quantity that must be taken to have any effect precludes their usefulness. However, individual amino acids can be useful under certain circumstances. For example, L-tyrosine can be used as a preventative agent against stress as it is a precursor to curtain stress hormones. L-tryptophan is a precursor to serotonin and it may therefore have a calming and sleep inducing effect. However, generally amino acids do not have general effects that make them worthy of inclusion in a general supplement programme.
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