Acetyl-L-carnitine has some interesting physiological benefits which include physical performance and cognitive enhancing effects. Oral acetyl-L-carnitine increases blood levels of L-carnitine significantly showing it is bioavailable. Acetyl-L-carnitine is hydrolysed partially in the gut enterocytes. One problem associated with ageing is the reduction in L-carnitine levels in various tissues. In this regard, tissue levels of L-carnitine may be 20 % lower in aged versus young rats. This reduction in L-carnitine may significantly decrease the ability of these tissues to utilise fatty acids as an energy source. Evidence from animal studies suggests that restoring the L-carnitine levels in these tissues restores the fatty acid oxidation to levels associated with younger animals. One way to increase the L-carnitine levels in tissue is through use of acetyl-L-carnitine. This effect likely results because L-carnitine is required for the transfer of the metabolites of fatty acids into the mitochondria for oxidation.
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