Category Archives: Immune System

Arginine and Wound Healing

Arginine is a non-essential amino acid in humans. Foods high in arginine include peanuts, walnuts, almonds, chocolate, as well as some seeds. Arginine has been of interest to nutritionists for some time because of a possible role in wound healing, … Continue reading

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Whey Protein for Non Athletes

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Mighty Mouse

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Obesity: Inflammatory Condition

In recent years it has become apparent that obesity is not a normal physiological response to a positive energy balance as was traditionally believed. Based on evidence in the literature, obesity should now be considered a condition of low-grade chronic … Continue reading

Posted in C-Reactive Protein, Calcium, Cardiovascular Disease, Chromium, Essential Fatty Acids, Fibre, Immune System, Inflammation, Insulin, Insulin Resistance, Obesity, Weight Loss | Comments Off on Obesity: Inflammatory Condition

Delta 6-desaturase: The Essential Fatty Acid Roadblock

Eicosapentanoic acid (EPA, C20:5 (n-3)) and docosahexanoic acid (DHA, C22:6 (n-3)) are precursors to a number of important signal molecules that are required for cell function. These long-chain fatty acids accumulate in cell membranes and are then used by the … Continue reading

Posted in Alpha Linolenic Acid, Cardiovascular Disease, Delta 5-desaturase, Delta 6-desaturase, Docosahexaenoic Acid, Docosanoids, Docosapentaenoic Acid, Eicosanoids, Eicosapentaenoic Acid, Eicosatraenoic Acid, Essential Fatty Acids, Fatty Acids, Fish, Fish Oils, Flax Oil, Immune System, Inflammation, Linoleic Acid, Stearidonic Acid | Comments Off on Delta 6-desaturase: The Essential Fatty Acid Roadblock

Selenium Insufficiency: Silent Killer?

Selenium is an essential trace mineral required for human health. Deficiency of selenium is associated the development of myalgia, cardiac myopathy, increased cell fragility and pancreatic degeneration, which can cause Keshan disease and Kashin-Beck’s disease. Selenium deficiency is rare in … Continue reading

Posted in Cancer, Cardiovascular Disease, Glutathione, Glutathione peroxidase, Immune System, Selenium | Comments Off on Selenium Insufficiency: Silent Killer?

The Composition of Whey Protein

Milk is composed of two main protein fractions, whey and casein. If milk is allowed to curdle, the liquid that remains is the whey protein fraction and the solid curds are the casein protein fraction. Casein is a collective name … Continue reading

Posted in Branched Chain Amino Acids, Casein, Immune System, Milk, Whey Protein | Comments Off on The Composition of Whey Protein

Omega 3 Fatty Acids and Allergy

The n-6 to n-3 dietary fatty acid ratio has become unbalanced in large part due to increased intakes of n-6 fatty acid rich oils such as corn, sunflower and rape. This increase in n-6 fatty acids may be contributing to … Continue reading

Posted in Allergy, Docosahexaenoic Acid, Eicosanoids, Eicosapentaenoic Acid, Essential Fatty Acids, Fish Oils, Immune System, Pregnancy | Comments Off on Omega 3 Fatty Acids and Allergy

Red Wine: Alcohol and Polyphenols Both Beneficial to Health

Red wine is a complex chemical mixture of plant metabolites and ethanol, the exact composition of which is still not understood. Epidemiological evidence suggests that red wine is beneficial to the health, and in particular consumption has been shown to … Continue reading

Posted in Alcohol, Cardiovascular Disease, Immune System, Inflammation, Polyphenols, Red Wine | Tagged , | Comments Off on Red Wine: Alcohol and Polyphenols Both Beneficial to Health

Arabino-xylooligosaccharides as Prebiotics?

Prebiotics are non-digestible carbohydrates, that are able to act as a food source for colonic microorganisms and favourably influence populations of beneficial bacteria. Fructooligsaccharides (FOS) have been extensively studied for their prebiotic effects and beneficial properties have been reported. However, … Continue reading

Posted in Colonic Microflora, Fibre, Fructo-oligosaccharides (FOS), Immune System | Comments Off on Arabino-xylooligosaccharides as Prebiotics?