Category Archives: Immune System

Zinc and Immunity

Zinc is an essential trace mineral that is known to be a co-factor for more enzymes than all the other metals combined. With such a wide range of enzymes dependent on zinc for their function, the metabolic roles for zinc … Continue reading

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Whey Protein

Whey is the portion of milk that remains dissolved in the aqueous portion after coagulation of casein into curd during the manufacture of cheese. Before whey protein became popular as a dietary supplement and before its nutritional significance was understood, … Continue reading

Posted in Branched Chain Amino Acids, Immune System, Protein, Soy, Sulfur, Whey Protein | Comments Off on Whey Protein

More benefits from multivitamins

Evidence from research suggests that a large proportion of the World’s population have vitamin, mineral and essential fatty acid deficiencies. In Western countries, food tends to be highly processed and nutrient poor but freely available and consumed in excess. The … Continue reading

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Whey Protein and Immunity

Whey protein is available as a powdered supplement, and is often consumed by athletes as a source of easily digestible protein. As well as the ability to facilitate increased protein needs of athletes, whey protein has some interesting modulatory effects … Continue reading

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Inulin, Oligofructose and Immunity

Inulin and oligofructose are non-digestible carbohydrates that are present in vegetables, cereals and fruits. They belong to a category of carbohydrates that are constructed of chains of fructose molecules called fuctans. Structurally inulins are linear fructans (10 to 60 fructose … Continue reading

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Fruit and Vegetables: Mechanisms of Action

Consensus amongst both science and the general public is that a diet containing a wide variety of fruit and vegetables is beneficial to the health. Current recommendations are to eat more fruit and vegetables and reduce the intakes of fat … Continue reading

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