Cinnamon Odour: Cognitive Enhancer

weight lossIt is well known that certain smells and tastes are able to elicit neurochemical responses. Phytochemicals within plants are known to have this affects and in particular essential volatile oils from plants can cause significant changes in mood due to activation of the taste and smell systems. A number of experiments have been performed to determine the effects of taste and smell of cognition and in this regard cinnamon shows particular beneficial effects on memory. For example, in one study, researchers administered cinnamon chewing gum to participants and then tested their cognitive ability. The results of the study showed that the chewing gum caused improvements in memory but these changes were not statistically different from control subjects that did not chew gum. However, when the researchers administered the smell of cinnamon to the subjects the improvements in memory became significant. Therefore the smell of cinnamon appears to cause neurochemical changes that improve memory.

cinnamon memory

Cinnamon odour appears to have beneficial effects on memory. A number of other odours have been shown to be beneficial to the health. For example, Lemon odour has been shown to reduce the reporting of health problems and jasmine odour may improve problem solving ability. Peppermint adour has been shown to reduce feelings of pain and oranges odour has been shown to reduce anxiety.

Eat Well, Stay Healthy, Protect Yourself


Zoladz, P. R. and Raudenbush, B. 2005. Cognitive Enhancement Through Stimulation of the Chemical Senses. North American Journal of Psychology. 7(1): 125-140

About Robert Barrington

Robert Barrington is a writer, nutritionist, lecturer and philosopher.
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