Coleus forskohlii

Coleus forskohlii is a plant that is indigenous to India. The plant is used in traditional Ayurvedic medicine as a treatment for a number of ailments including eczema, asthma, psoriasis, cardiovascular disorders and hypertension. The main physiological effects of Coleus forskohlii is to increase intracellular cAMP. As these ailments may be caused by low cellular levels of cAMP, this may explain the benefits of the herb. The phytochemicals within Coleus forskohlii include a range of terpenoids that may explain its biological effects. Coleus forskohlii may work by activating adenylate cyclase, which in turn increases cellular levels of cAMP through an enzymatic process. One benefit of Coleus forskohlii that may be related to some of the other known effects is that of weight loss. In this regard the activation of adenylate cyclase and the increased cellular concentration of cAMP may activate adrenergic pathways in adipocytes, which may in turn promote fat oxidation. The weight loss caused by Coleus forskohlii may for example explain some of the cardiovascular benefits as weight gain is a significant cause of cardiovascular disease. 

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Kavitha, C., Rajamani, K. and Vadivel, E. 2010. Coleus forskohlii A comprehensive review on morphology, phytochemistry and pharmacological aspects. Journal of Medicinal Plants Research. 4(4): 278-285

About Robert Barrington

Robert Barrington is a writer, nutritionist, lecturer and philosopher.
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