Consider a liquidiser

Many people consume fruits juices in the mistaken belief that they good for their health. This is based on the false premise that they contain the same health benefits as whole fruit. However, studies show that those who consume fruit juice have the same detrimental metabolic changes as those who consume sugar sweetened soft drinks. This is because the composition of the fruit is changed during processing and the final product is little more than sugar sweetened water. Part of the protective effects of fruit comes from the fibre it contains, as this slows the absorption of the sugars and prevents them overloading the liver. Removing this fibre and consuming just the sugar leads to the same nutrient overload syndrome seem with sugar sweetened beverages. This therefore explains the detrimental health consequences of consuming large amounts of fruit juice, which includes an increased risk of becoming obese.

Using a liquidiser to blend the whole fruit is a much better option. Because the sugar and juice from the fruit is not isolated from the fibre, liquidised fruit retains the original macronutrient composition of the whole fruit. Smoothies are therefore a great way to enjoy the benefits of fruit without the need to eat whole fruit. They can be prepared and carried in a flask for a healthy snack. Adding other ingredients such as nuts and olive oil can increase the fat content, and the addition of whey protein boosts the protein content to provide a more equal balance of the macronutrients. Of course, it can be easier to over eat fruit when taken from their whole form, and so care should be taken when making smoothies to ensure that the amount of fruit that would normally have been consumed is not increased through the liquidisation process. If this caveat is considered however, then smoothies are a great way to enjoy the health benefits of fruit.


About Robert Barrington

Robert Barrington is a writer, nutritionist, lecturer and philosopher.
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