Dehydration and Mood

Dehydration is known to cause detrimental performance in humans and animals. In particular, mild dehydration can lead to significant declines in mental and physical ability. As dehydration increases, both physical and mental faculties gradually deteriorate until death. Dehydration does not have to be great to cause these effects, and a period of intense exercise in the heat is enough to cause significant mental deterioration in performing basic mental tests. Because dehydration can affect mental ability, it should come as no surprise that dehydration is also able to cause changes in mood. For example, in one study, as little as a 1 % level of dehydration was able to cause significant mental problems to women. In particular, a 1.3 % level of dehydration degraded mood, increased perception of task difficulty, lowered concentration, and cause headache symptoms. Therefore the recommendation to drink water throughout the day to maintain hydration levels is based on solid evidence of detrimental effects of dehydration. 

Eat Well, Stay Healthy, Protect Yourself


Armstrong, L. E., Ganio, M. S., Casa, D. J., Lee, E. C., McDermott, B. P., Klau, J. F., Jimenez, L., Le Bellego, L., Chevillotte, E. and Lieberman, H. R. 2011. Mild Dehydration Affects Mood in Healthy Young Women. The Journal of Nutrition. 142: 382-388

About Robert Barrington

Robert Barrington is a writer, nutritionist, lecturer and philosopher.
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