Delphinium denudatum (Jadwar): Anxiolytic Herb?

Delphinium denudatum (Jadwar) is a traditional herb used in Ayurvedic medicine. Jadwar translates from Persion zadwar which means purifier. Various parts of the plant can be used as a treatment in a number of ailments including fungal infections, paralysis, epilepsy, facial palsy, migraine, insanity, mania, hysteria, atony, migraine, numbness, tremors, infantile convulsions, paralysis, cholera, jaundice, cardiac diseases, arthritis, palpitation, rheumatism, toothache, aconite poisoning, snake bite, scorpion sting and pain. Studies have investigated the anxiolytic effect of Jadwar using animal models. For example, in one study researchers administered root and leaf extracts of the herb to rats and exposed the rats to experimental stress designed to cause the development of negative behavioural characteristics. Compared to control rats, rats receiving Jadwar showed significantly less anxious behaviour suggesting that the herb had conferred anxiolytic effects to the rats following consumption. 

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Aleem, M., Ahmad, E. and Anis, M. 2020. Botany, phytochemistry, pharmacology and Unani traditional uses of Jadwar (Delphinium denudatum Wall.): A Review. Journal of Phytopharmacology. 9(5): 378-383

About Robert Barrington

Robert Barrington is a writer, nutritionist, lecturer and philosopher.
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