Do Supplements Work?

Many people make statements like “supplements do not work they just give you expensive urine” or a favourite of medical doctors that “we do not need vitamin supplements as we get all the nutrition we need in our food”. However, these statements are false and there are thousands, if not tens of thousands of well researched scientific studies that show that this is false. It would be nice if we could obtain all of the nutrition that we needed from food, but with modern storage and processing of foods, this is simply not possible for most. Further, there are many nutrients that have been shown to have beneficial health effects at dosages that are above the level that can be obtained from food. Therefore the benefits of supplements can be demonstrated in evidence based ways and opinions to the contrary are often based on bias, preconceived notions and dogma. One of the best examples of this is vitamin D, which without access to sunlight, is not able to be obtained from a typical diet in adequate amounts to satisfy health. 

Eat Well, Stay Healthy, Protect Yourself


About Robert Barrington

Robert Barrington is a writer, nutritionist, lecturer and philosopher.
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