Drink More Water to Improve Mood?

A high quality diet containing all the essential nutrients has been shown to be particularly beneficial to mental health. In addition, the avoidance of stress, the avoidance of toxins and pollutants and the avoidance of poor quality foods are also important. A number of plant foods have been extensively researched for their ability to improve mood, and many people consume such traditional medical treatments for specific mood disorders. However, it is known that dehydration can have a significant effect on mood and cognition and therefore if dehydration is present, drinking more water may be a very simple way to improve mental health. It is known for example that dehydration of as little as 5 % can significantly reduce physical performance during exercise. Water is needed to maintain all the homeostatic mechanisms of the body and dehydration is a form of stress. Stress is particularly bad for mood state if it is chronic, and it is therefore no surprise that being adequately hydrated is paramount for good mental health. 

Eat Well, Stay Healthy, Protect Yourself


Masento, N. A., Golightly, M., Field, D. T., Butler, L. T. and van Reekum, C. M. 2014. Effects of hydration status on cognitive performance and mood. British Journal of Nutrition. 111: 1841-1852

About Robert Barrington

Robert Barrington is a writer, nutritionist, lecturer and philosopher.
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