Free Form versus Bonded Amino Acids

Amino acids are required for a number of functions in humans. The main role of amino acids is in the formation of protein, and in this regard amino acids are able to bond together and form long chains. These proteins have a variety of functions and can be structural components or form active molecules like enzymes, receptors and transporters. However, amino acids also have another role in their free form, or unbound form. In this form single amino acids can act in a number of ways in the body including as neurotransmitters, signal molecules or the precursors to other molecules used by the cell. The total protein intake is not therefore the only consideration when amino acids are concerned as the amount of free form amino acids can also affect health. Taking supplements of free form amino acids can also have particular health effects and this is separate to the intake of amino acids from protein in terms of physiological effects. For example, high intakes of tryptophan can increase serotonin levels irrespective of the tryptophan in protein. 

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About Robert Barrington

Robert Barrington is a writer, nutritionist, lecturer and philosopher.
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