Gamma oryzanol is a group of compounds extracted from rice bran (Oryza sativa) oil. The compounds forming gamma oryzanol are a number of ferulic acid esters of both phytosterols and terpenoids including cycloartenyl ferulate (oryzanol A), 24-Methylenecycloartanyl ferulate (oryzanol C) and campesteryl ferulate. Evidence suggests that gamma oryzanol may have some benefits to resistance training athletes in terms of developing muscular strength. For example, in one study, researchers administered 600 mg of gamma oryzanol for 9 weeks, to subjects undergoing a resistance training programme training at 80 % of their 1 rep maximum four times per week for one hour each. The results of the study showed that the subject’s body measurements did not change, but the supplements did increase muscular strength as measured by their 1 repetition maximum lift. Therefore gamma oryzanol may confer some benefits to resistance training athletes in terms of strength, but may not be beneficial to anthropometric measurements such as body fat percentage or muscle mass.
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Eslami, S., Esa, N. M., Marandi, S. M., Ghasemi, G. and Eslami, S. 2014. Effects of gamma oryzanol supplementation on anthropometric measurements and muscular strength in healthy males following chronic resistance training. The Indian Journal of Medical Research. 139(6): 857