Green Tea: Alternative Weight Loss Mechanisms

Green tea has been shown to cause weight loss in humans and animals. A number of biochemical mechanisms have been identified and these likely contribute to the ability of green tea to accelerate fat loss. For example, green tea contains caffeine, and caffeine has been evidenced to accelerate fat loss due to its ability to activate the central nervous system. Two other components of green tea have also been identified that may contribute to the fat loss observed in green tea drinkers, and these components are L-theanine and catechins, both of which work by unknown mechanisms. However, an often overlooked principle of drinking green tea is that it is not taken with milk or sugar. Therefore those that consume green tea in place of black tea are likely reducing their intake of either milk or sugar or both. This could result in a drink with no energy content associated with it (green tea) being substituted for a drink that is associated with an energy intake (black tea with milk or sugar), and this could contribute to the weight loss effects. 

Eat Well, Stay Healthy, protect Yourself


About Robert Barrington

Robert Barrington is a writer, nutritionist, lecturer and philosopher.
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