How Complex is Good Nutrition?

The propensity for those with a commercial interest in nutrition is to overly complicate the basics and thus obfuscate how simple it is to care for your health. In fact, basic nutrition for health is very easy and there is no reason why most people cannot benefit from the health advantages of a healthy diet, should they choose. Of course, the onus is on the individual to stick to the eating strategy that facilitates health, something many are not prepared to do. These individuals are the food that feeds the snake oil salesman, as he promises easy options and magic pills. For whilst understanding what to eat is fairly easy, the notion of abandoning fast food, tasty snacks, sugary and fatty foods, and those that are heavily processed to sacrifice nutritional quality for taste, is perhaps too much for many. This is why many never manage to obtain true health and why ailments are common in those who inhabit the Western nations and consume the typical Western diet. In essence eating healthily involves avoiding processed foods, consuming fresh produce, perhaps based around plant foods, and obtaining adequate protein, minerals, vitamins, essential fats and energy, in order to allow the body to grow and heal itself. The avoidance of chronically high levels of stress and toxins and pollution are also a high priority for health, but many are unable to sacrifice the rat race for the good of their bodies. Therefore as with all things, you take your choice and pay the price. Eat well my friends. 

Eat Well, Stay Healthy, Protect Yourself


About Robert Barrington

Robert Barrington is a writer, nutritionist, lecturer and philosopher.
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