Honey has been shown to have a number of beneficial health effects. One health effect of honey that is fairly well established is its ability to kill bacteria. One explanation for this is that sugars, of which honey is a rich source, are able to kill the bacteria by causing osmotic movement of water out of their cells, thus lysing the cells and killing them. However, studies show that 10-20 % volume for volume honey solution is able to kill a wide variety of bacteria, but that over 40 % volume for volume solution is required for sucrose. Therefore there are other reasons why honey is an antibiotic. Other compounds in honey that may serve to kill bacteria are bee defensin-1, hydrogen peroxide and the enzyme methylglyoxal. Therefore in reality there is not a single reason why honey can kill bacteria cells, but it is likely due to synergism between a number of factors. Topical honey therefore remains a great natural antibiotic substance that can be used to treat abrasions, cuts and lacerations to prevent infection from bacteria.
Eat Well, Stay Healthy, protect Yourself