Low Energy Versus High Energy Food

The Western diet is high in energy and this is a problem because this leads to inflammation and this subsequently causes weight gain. The current advice in the West is therefore to eat fewer calories and attempt to consume more energy depleted foods such as vegetables. However, this problem is confined to a small proportion of the world, and most people living today consume a low energy diet, and they struggle to eat enough food to maintain body weight. Food poverty is a real problem and this relates largely to the cost of manufacturing or growing high energy foods containing fat, protein or sugar. Therefore the world possesses an imbalance whereby some of the population receives too much high energy food rich in protein, fat and sugar, and devoid of the nutritious vegetables they require for health, whereas some receive too little energy, and rely almost solely on low energy vegetables for their nutrition. The claim that there is a food shortage is therefore probably incorrect, what exists is an imbalance in its distribution.  

Eat Well, Stay Healthy, protect Yourself


About Robert Barrington

Robert Barrington is a writer, nutritionist, lecturer and philosopher.
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