Overthinking Nutrition: Antioxidants

Nutrition is a complex subject and it is sometimes apparent that people can become confused as to how to eat to remain healthy. Despite the complexity of the subject, much of the confusion stems not from this complexity, but the confusing and often contradictory information available. Oftencase, this misinformation is presented by those with a vested interest in selling products that may not be suitable or beneficial for the consumer. This overthinking nutrition is a major problem as in many cases the simple solutions are the best. For example, many articles have been written on the nuances of antioxidants. Many supplements are available with all manner of forms of antioxidants. Yet consuming a few carrots a day along with an apple, and drinking tea can provide more antioxidants into the diet than even the most expensive supplement. In many cases the simple and cheap foods are the most beneficial, and they not only provide a larger quantity of antioxidants, they also provide a wider range, in a more balanced manner. 

Eat Well, Stay Healthy, Protect Yourself


About Robert Barrington

Robert Barrington is a writer, nutritionist, lecturer and philosopher.
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