Pineapple for Ocular Floaters?

Pineapple is an interesting fruit because it contains the proteolytic enzyme bromelain. Bomelaine has some interesting properties as an anti-inflammatory and joint regenerator. Its ability to heal cartilage may relate to the activity of bromelain to break down damaged or dysfunctional cartilage. In terms of its use in eye health, ocular floaters are caused by the breakdown of the vitreous humour of the eye, something that results in small obscurities within the eye that can be seen as small spots floating in the vision. Bromelain may be able to help remove these floaters because its proteolytic activity can break down the floaters which are small pieces of broken off cartilage. For example, in one study researchers used a high dose of bromelain (along with the proteolytic enzymes papain and ficin) to treat patients with vitreous degeneration. The treatment was significantly beneficial at reducing the occurrence of vitreous opacities even in those with the more serious form of the disease (intraocular haemorrhage). The treatment was also well received by the patients who reported positive results from the intervention, suggesting that both objective and subjective measures of the treatment were successful.  

Eat Well, Stay Healthy, Protect Yourself


Ma, J.W., Hung, J.L., Takeuchi, M., Shieh, P.C. and Horng, C.T. 2022. A New Pharmacological Vitreolysis through the Supplement of Mixed Fruit Enzymes for Patients with Ocular Floaters or Vitreous Haemorrhage-Induced Floaters. Journal of Clinical Medicine. 11(22): 6710

About Robert Barrington

Robert Barrington is a writer, nutritionist, lecturer and philosopher.
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