When considering red meat as part of the diet there are a number of considerations. The first is as to whether it is affordable. Much of the world lives close to the poverty line and red meat is a luxury that is often out of reach. Assuming cost is not an issue, nutritionally red meat has positives and negatives and these in turn depend on the type of meat. Red meat is a great source of readily absorbable iron and contains other nutrients such as creatine and carnitine that are not present in plant foods. The negative aspects of red meat relate almost entirely to conventionally grown red meat where animals are fattened on grain and as a result the meat is too high in omega-6 fats and saturated fats. Of course, this makes red meat a great source of energy if this is a requirement. Organic red meat from grass fed animals tends to be much higher in omega-3 fats and has less total fat. This makes it the healthier choice, and if this type of meat is consumed in moderation, it is unlikely to cause any negative health effects in the long-term.
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