Tea and Weight Loss

Tea (Camellia sinensis) is known to have a number of health effects that include improvements to both mental and physical parameters. The effects of tea are attributed to a number of chemicals it contains including polyphenolic antioxidants, caffeine and the amino acid L-theanine. One effect of tea that is often overlooked is related to its ability to cause weight loss in those that consume it regularly. In this respect it is thought that green tea is superior to black tea because one of the factors that may contribute towards this are the polyphenolic catechins that are present mainly in green tea. For example, in one study researchers investigated the effects of green tea catechins on obese subjects who were placed on an energy restricted diet and exercise programme. The results of the study showed that 625 mg of catechins in combination with 39 mg of caffeine was significantly able to cause fat loss compared to 39 mg of caffeine with no catechins. In particular, the catechins were able to cause significant reductions in total abdominal fat area, subcutaneous abdominal fat area, and fasting serum triglycerides. Therefore catechins from green tea may confer significant weight loss effects on obese individuals, with the added benefit that the catechins may also significantly improve both physical and mental health. 

Eat Well, Stay Healthy, Protect Yourself


Maki, K.C., Reeves, M.S., Farmer, M., Yasunaga, K., Matsuo, N., Katsuragi, Y., Komikado, M., Tokimitsu, I., Wilder, D., Jones, F. and Blumberg, J.B. 2009. Green tea catechin consumption enhances exercise-induced abdominal fat loss in overweight and obese adults. The Journal of nutrition. 139(2): 264-270

About Robert Barrington

Robert Barrington is a writer, nutritionist, lecturer and philosopher.
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