The Dangers of Dried Fruit

Fruit is considered a healthy food. Many fruits are high in sugar, and this can be a detrimental effect if they are overeaten. However, it is difficult to overeat most types of fruit because fruit contain a high water content and is rich in fibre, and this means that the rate at which it can be eaten is slowed, and at the same time the delay in eating them slows the rate at which the sugars can enter the bloodstream, negating some of the negative effects of rapid rises in blood sugar levels. However, drying the fruit can significantly reduce the water levels, and this can increase the speed at which the fruit can be eaten. For example, it is relatively time consuming to consume a whole bunch of grapes. However, as raisins, the same amount of fruit can be eaten in seconds. While dried fruit contains an important source of nutrients including fibre and phytochemicals, it is important to limit intakes such that the amount of sugars consumed does not exceed the ability to effectively digest and metabolise them. 

Eat Well, Stay Healthy, Protect Yourself


About Robert Barrington

Robert Barrington is a writer, nutritionist, lecturer and philosopher.
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