The Food Pyramid

The food pyramid is a description of the type and quantities of foods that are recommended for good health. At the base of the pyramid are the starchy carbohydrate foods such as bread and potatoes, on top of this is the fruit and vegetables, on top of this the meat and eggs and dairy, and on top of this the fats and oils and sugars. The idea is that as the food becomes more energy rich the amount that is required for health declines. Therefore in a healthy diet the main intake should come from starchy carbohydrate food accompanied by fruit and vegetables, and the lowest contribution should come from high fat, high sugar foods, with proteins filling the midpoint. The main problem with the food pyramid is that it is a historical anachronism in that it was created for an era where people performed hard physical activity daily. In modern times, with a largely sedentary lifestyle, it is unlikely that large amounts of starch are required to maintain body weight and starchy foods should therefore be moved further up the pyramid. 

Eat Well, Stay Healthy, protect Yourself


About Robert Barrington

Robert Barrington is a writer, nutritionist, lecturer and philosopher.
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