The Main Benefits of Whole Grain Bread

Bread is a widely consumed food. The exact type of bread consumed varies between different cultures and societies. In the West, white bread is widely consumed, and this is a relatively recent phenomenon. The main difference between white bread and wholegrain bread is that white bread is heavenly refined during milling. The main problem with consuming white bread is that it does not contain the nutrients that are originally present in the wheat grain in their original ratios. While whole grain bread is rich in fibre, white bread contains virtually no fibre because it is removed during the refining process. This changes the speed at which the bread is digested and absorbed, with white bread differing little from liquid glucose in this regard. Whole grain bread also contains a range of vitamins and minerals, and these are not present in white bread. White bread therefore contains little in the way of nutritional value, other than the energy content of the starch it contains. White bread is therefore considered nutritionally inferior to whole grain bread. 

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About Robert Barrington

Robert Barrington is a writer, nutritionist, lecturer and philosopher.
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