The Psychology of Weight Control: Visualisation

Visualisation is a psychological technique that requires the individual to imagine an event or result that is desirable. The basic idea behind visualisation is that where the mind goes the body will follow. Visualisation is used extensively by athletes where they visualise routines, courses, tracks and their participation in sport in order to mentally prepare themselves for the physical world. Visualisation can also be used as a form of meditation whereby it prepares the athlete and can allow them to more easily enter ‘the zone‘, a mental state of relaxation with complete and absolute focus, that allows them to consciously ignore all non-relevant and extraneous events. Because visualisation is a form of meditation it has favourable effects on anxiety and stress levels, and for this reason athletes can use it to overcome nerves before competition. Visualisation can be a useful technique in those wishing to lose body fat, and it potentially has a number of uses in weight loss scenarios.

weight loss

Visualisation can be a useful psychological tool for those who wish to lose body fat. Visualisation is a form of meditation, but unlike meditation, it is focused on real events rather than the more abstract concepts of general meditation.

Most people who wish to improve their body composition by losing fat also wish to gain some muscle. Physical activity, particularly resistance training, may therefore play a role in a health fat loss programme. Visualisation prior to physical activity is especially useful and can allow an increased focus and concentration of energy during these session. Visualisation can also be used at the beginning of the day to imagine the possible scenarios that may play out, and create strategies to cope with particular pitfalls or temptations that may manifest themselves. This type of preparation visualisation can be particularly important for those who have cravings for particular foods or find it difficult to say no. For example, visualising avoiding poor food choices and instead accepting higher quality alternatives. Lastly, visualisation can be used to help imagine the type of body composition that you desire and to reinforce the feeling that this is achievable. Visualising success is therefore the first step on the path to achieving your goal.


About Robert Barrington

Robert Barrington is a writer, nutritionist, lecturer and philosopher.
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