Vitamin D and Calcium for Weight Loss?

Vitamin D and calcium are two nutrients that are known to interact in human metabolism. Both nutrients are also involved in weight regulation and although the mechanisms by which they help modulate body weight are not fully understood, scientific evidence suggests that high vitamin D and high calcium diets facilitate significant reductions in body weight. For example, in one study researchers fed a low and high calcium and vitamin D breakfast to a group of health subjects and measured the metabolic effects of this meal. The meal containing the higher content of calcium and vitamin D caused significantly greater rates of fat oxidation and significantly greater diet induced thermogenesis (heat production as a product of food ingestion) compared to the low calcium low vitamin D meal. In addition, the high calcium high vitamin D meal also caused significant reduction in energy intake. Therefore vitamin D and calcium may cause weight loss by increasing energy expenditure and reducing energy intake in healthy humans.   

Eat Well, Stay Healthy, Protect Yourself


Ping-Delfos, W. C. S. and Soares, M. 2011. Diet induced thermogenesis, fat oxidation and food intake following sequential meals: influence of calcium and vitamin D. Clinical Nutrition. 30(3): 376-383

About Robert Barrington

Robert Barrington is a writer, nutritionist, lecturer and philosopher.
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