Nymphaea alba and Nymphaea lotus are species of white water lily. Nymphaea alba is the European white water lily, whereas Nymphaea lotus is the Egyptian white water lily. However the flowers are distributed more widely than their name suggest, and the European white water lily is found in Europe, North America and parts of Asia for example. Both flower belong to the Nymphaeaceae, or water lily group of plants. Evidence suggests that white water lilies may possess mood enhancing effects due to the phytochemicals they contain. For example, the white water lily possesses the active alkaloids nupharine and nymphaeine which may act as sedatives. In one study researchers administered a crude extract of Nymphaea lotus to mice and observed their behaviour under conditions of experimental stress. The results of the study showed that the Nymphaea lotus extract caused a normalisation of markers normally associated with mood disorders in a similar way to the pharmaceutical drugs imipramine and diazepam.
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