Yoghurt Versus Milk

Dairy consumption is associated with improved health. These improvements to health may relate to the ability of dairy foods to decrease the risk of weight gain. A number of factors in dairy foods have been considered to be possible candidates for this weight loss effect. The first thing that must be considered is that dairy includes a number of foods, and these could broadly be categorised as cheese, milk and yoghurt. Milk and yoghurt are interesting because each may have a different ability to cause weight loss. In whole milk for example, conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) may induce reductions in adipose tissue in humans and animals. Yoghurt in contrast has a particularly beneficial effect on the growth of certain strains of bacteria in the gut, with a result being a general improvement in gut health, that may in turn improve the efficiency of the individual’s overall metabolism, leading to less risk of weight gain. Therefore milk and yoghurt may be considered part of a healthy diet, and may help reduce the risk of weight gain. 

Eat Well, Stay Healthy, protect Yourself


About Robert Barrington

Robert Barrington is a writer, nutritionist, lecturer and philosopher.
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